Monday, August 4, 2008

Bye, bye crib

This weekend we dismantled the crib. I still have to paint the chair rail and do touch up paint, (you'll notice a spot behind her bed that she picked out while still in her crib) but here are pictures of Raena's big girl room. I'm still debating on changing her name plaque because that went with the crib bedding. Jason doesn't want me to because he likes it, but it doesn't match anything else in the room.


Rachel said...

The room is gorgeous. But, I don't envy you. I'm not looking forward to that transition for Z...I think we'll be in there for hours trying to get him to stay in his bed when it finally happens.

daleri said...

Her room looks awesome! I love it!

Nichole said...

Thanks for the comps ladies. I think I'm going to make a cornice board for her window and get some curtains. I never realized how bright it is in there.

Carrie said...

What a big girl already! I love these pictures of her room!