Monday, June 30, 2008

Running errands again...

Once again we ran errands while Izzy was in her preschool. I was in search for a bedskirt for Raena's big girl bed and ended up finding myself a dress for SIL's wedding in October and a new backpack for Izzy. She starts school in less than a month!! It has been a long day. We plan on doing something tomorrow!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Outing on Thursday

Not at home on Thursday, what were we doing....
We went to the library so Izzy could get her prizes for the Summer Reading Program. We've read 12 new books. She got a cute butterfly book mark and Wikki Sticks. She played with the sticks for at least an hour. If you don't know what they are they are like pipe cleaners, but sticky. I would like to get more to show her how to make letters of the alphabet.

Then we met my SIL at Chick-Fil-A for lunch and let the kiddos burn some energy on their play equipment. Unfortunately Raena did not cooperate and didn't eat her lunch. Gotta love the almost terrible twos.

Next time I will have to bring my camera so you can see where we go.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Starting My Blog

Okay I'm taking the next step into the online scene. I hope by starting this blog I can stay connected with friends and family. It is true the life of the stay at home mom is not so. The girls and I are always going somewhere or doing something. I have a lot to learn so please be patient with me!

Lots of love,